Showing all 4 results
Container Transport
Freight Type: Container Transport
Date: 31/12/2024
From: Sunbury Victoria 3429
To: Wongaling Beach Queensland 4852I’m wanting to ship a 40 foot HC container from vic to fnq. It has a helicopter in it. 500kg Heli weight. There would be room in container for other items as long as they’re properly secured and do not interfere with helicopter.
Date Created: 10/12/2024
Container Transport
Freight Type: Container Transport
Date: 31/12/2024
From: Sunbury Victoria 3429
To: Wongaling Beach Queensland 4852I’m wanting to ship a 40 foot HC container from vic to fnq. It has a helicopter in it. 500kg Heli weight. There would be room in container for other items as long as they’re properly secured and do not interfere with helicopter.
Date Created: 10/12/2024